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Dreaming Reality writes...

Hello, love young justice and where the story is going! Love how real Beast Boy's mental journey is.

I know it was a long time ago, but you and Denys Cowan pitched a Rocket series that had the general Rocket/Icon dynamic.

1) Did you pitch the series after Milestone shut down/the run ended or was it in the middle of the run? Do you remember the pitch for the show?

2) Why was Icon your favorite Milestone comic? Why was Rocket your favorite character? Did you read the other Milestone comics?

3) Icon talked about race, class, abortions, and a lot of real world things that people still do not like to talk about. I know you pitched this show to Nickelodeon, so what was the age demographic? Kids? Teens?
Was there any talk about watering down these issues to make them more kid friendly? How were you planning to show their dynamic and the themes of the comic while airing on a kids network?

4) My last question is are you reading the Milestone reboot comics?

I know all of this was forever ago and it makes sense if you do not remember any of it. Thank you so much for your time and for what you do. I and many others really appreciate it/you!