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Mark writes...

I had a query about the timeline relating to Beast Boy's activities during Zatanna's arc. I genuinely don't mean this as some sort of gotcha, but while writing up Gar's wiki entry I got a bit confused.

In Teg Ydaer, for the timestamp May 14 00:23PDT, Beast Boy is sleeping on the couch as the Outsiders are about to begin a mission. Later the same episode, the Outsiders return from their mission to find Gar still asleep. Later still, he is asleep in bed with lots of pills on his nightstand.

But in the next episode, we get the timestamp May 14 02:37PDT. Gar is on the set of Space Trek, and it appears he has been there for quite some time. It seems we are supposed to infer there has been a long and unproductive day of shooting. Yet it is just over two hours after he was first seen sleeping on the couch in the previous episode. Perhaps the final scene of Gar in bed from Teg Ydaer is supposed to be after the Space Trek scenes in Og Htrof Dna Reuqnoc, but it still doesn't make sense for the rest to be so close together. How fast was that mission against the Headmaster?

Actually the whole of the timing of Garfield's plot in the arc seems off. His sleeping on the couch in Teg Ydaer comes just three and a bit hours after her fell asleep in bed with the first sleeping pills in the previous episode (May 13 21:05PDT). After getting the over the counter pills, he has a load of what look like prescription pills less than 24 hours later.

To me it seems at least three days worth of activity has been crammed into just over 24 hours. Is there an error in the timestamps, or am I missing something?