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Artistic Wonder writes...

Hey Greg!

One of the things I love about your show is how you opened it to having conversations about faith. As a Christian, it is so refreshing to see Zatara practice his beliefs in a positive manner instead of in the stereotypical judgmental way that the media portrays most Christians.

1) In Earth-16 will we see other superheroes' beliefs displayed? I would particularly like to see Jewish characters completing the big three in world religions.

2) If religion exists how are characters able to stay steadfast in their beliefs? If I lived in a world filled with aliens, magic, and immortal beings I would always be questioning my theology.

3) Why does Zatara have so much tolerance for his non-religious teammates? Most of my Christian friends would be trying to convert them to their faith

4) Does Zatanna believe in the same religion as her father or does she have different beliefs from him? I can kind of see her possibly being resentful of God for taking her mom away and maybe disliking the fact she was forced to go to a Catholic girls' school.

5) Why is representing faith in your show important to you? For me, it would be because I can see myself in the characters and learn about someone else's walk of life.