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Andrina Horny writes...

Hey, Bestieeeeeeee.

OMG, Gregy you dodged a bullet with that apology, homieeee!! All both of my Tumblr friends were like "oh our gods!! That boomer did NOT just misgender our they/them-bitch Halo!!! Hoe, we gotta cancel his ass into unemployment!!" And I was like "they/them-giiiiirl, Gregy is my bestie since I met him at SDCC. We are all bffs and shit. He hooked me up with them screeners and but doesn't and all the good stuff... though he doesn't follow me on twitter and never retweets my amaaaahzing Cheshire shit posts. Yeah let's all three of us cancel that mf!! I'm the Campaign Queen after all!! I'm sure it will as well as all my other ones!!!"

But you got to your senses on time and bent over like a good pliable boomer for us to butt fuck you with our dildos...