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Anonymous writes...

Have a good day Mr. Weisman.
Firstly I would like to say that I love your work and fingers crossed for continuing with Young Justice, Gargoyles or any project you wish to work on. The second thing is that English is not my native language and I am sorry for mistakes.

I gather so many questions over the years and I hope I am not asking for spoilers because the "No spoilers" was one of many things what sell your shows to me.

1. Are there any male New Genesphers or bioships?

2. In episode "Failsafe" we can see Alfred, Barbara and Betty together. Was it something (teoreticly) Dick ask him to do?
(I overthought this one too many times)

3. What do you think, is Violet trixic, toric or bisexual (umbrela term)?
(Well, I do not think they were thinking about this)

Thank you for your time, representation, amazing shows, my hobby (drawing but that is credit for Phil Bourassa) and my favorite number (16!).
Please, exuse me for mistakes or if any of these questions was asked before, I did not find it.