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Marie writes...

In many retellings of how Jason Todd died, his mom Sheila Haywood often gets left out. Do you know why this is?
I feel like a lot of nuance in Jason's character and murder is lost when Sheila is removed from the narrative. Him dying while trying to save the mom that betrayed him added so much depth and sadness to his character that I feel is lost when she isn't a part of the story.
I'm not asking if she exists on Earth-16 or was there when Joker killed Jason because I know that would probably be a spoiler (though I am curious how YJ will handle Red Hood!) I just want to know if you know the reason Sheila is barely in any adaptions of Jason's murder? Is it just to make the story less complicated?
I just find it frustrating when writers and fans alike blame Jason for his own murder by saying he was too reckless and angry and didn't follow orders when he actually died a hero trying to save someone.