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Fallenlegend writes...

Hoy Greg just curious about the creative choices you made with the Marvel family.

1.-Why did you decided to make them weaker by sharing the power? Not judging just curious.

I recall that, for example, Mary often got her powers from a bunch of goddesses in other versions and Billy didn’t seem any weaker for sharing his powers with Freddy, including in the original Fawcett run.In the movie he even shared them with 5 family members.

Just curious on why you deliberately make the 3 weaker. Was it so they wouldn’t be too powerful for villains to be a credible threat?

2.- Hypotethically, if Shazam/Captain Marvel was injured, say but Billy transformed again to his normal self, and then back to Shazam/Captain Marvel would his powered self be “fresh” and without injuries?