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Mr. Weisman,
By the time of this posting, I discovered that some scenes for the Season 4 finale "Death and Rebirth" were somehow leaked on YouTube. From my interpretation of the leaked scenes, everything appears to have ended on a good note for the heroes. In regards to the bad guys, I should have expected Vandal Savage to make such a sneaky move. The most shocking part was the Apokolips scene. Yes, I had suspected all along that Mary Bromfield was going to become a villain and one of the female Furies ever since the mid-Season 4 finale; since I figured her turn was a nod to what happened to her in Final Crisis. HOWEVER, I was shocked as hell that Kara Zor-El, daughter of Zor-El and Alura In-Ze, and paternal cousin of Kal-El, is also one of the Female Furies as well; which suggests that she never eventually made it to Earth like in the comics. As such, in regards to your decision to make Kara Zor-El a villain, was this a nod to the comic book storylines "Superman/Batman: Supergirl" (which first introduced Kara Zor-El; during which she was temporarily brainwashed) and "Superman: The Dark Side" (in which Kal-El landed on Apokolips instead of Earth)?