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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

You have previously mentioned that...

#1. As Shazam, Billy Baston's adult form is a 24-year-old (whereas Billy's normal form is currently 20 years old).

#2. As Sergeant Marvel, Mary Bromfield's adult form is an 18 year-old (even though Mary is 20 years old in her normal form).

But how does that even make sense for both of these characters? I mean, were your previous response for both characters' alter-ego ages actually half-hearted answers? The reason I am asking this is because I was under the distinct impression that both characters' adult forms would be at least 33 years old; which would be the age equivalent of an average graduate student. If this is not correct, than what are the CORRECT ages for both characters' alter-egos; assuming the age range is between the 30s to 40s?