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P.E.T.H. writes...

Hello, first congrats on the fourth season, loved it and hoping for a fifth to be announced.
Second, my question is about the gap between the B and D designations, which I hope you can answer unless you consider them spoiler questions.
For the B designations there is a gap between B33 (Terra) and B36 (Orphan). We know that originally members of the Outsiders had B designations before the change to D designations. Is it possible to speculate that the remaining B designations, B34 and B35, belong to El Dorado and Cyborg respectively?
The other one is that, as we know, there are 3 D designations we don't know. D02, D06 and D15. From what we can speculate, D02 and D06 belong to the original Outsiders, and giving that the ones we know have a similar feel to the order they had as B designations can we speculate that D02 and D06 belong to Wonder Girl and Geo-Force?
Can we also speculate that D15 belongs to Windfall, since she is the only other Outsider we do not know the designation to?