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The Phoenix Gate

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. Will Spoiler and Orphan eventually share the mantle of Batgirl; like they currently do in the comics?

2. If Cassandra Cain eventually becomes Batgirl in the Earth-16 universe, will her costume be the Batgirl version, the Black Bat version, or the Future State version?

3. If Stephanie Brown eventually becomes Batgirl in the Earth-16 universe, will her costume be the Batgirl version, the Spoiler version, or the Future State version?

4. If we ever see the Earth-16 version of Huntress (Helena Rosa Bertinelli), would she likely be based on the pre-Flashpoint (New Earth) or post-Flashpoint version (Prime Earth) of the character?

5. You once said that the Earth-16 Superman's speed is surpassed by Shazam, Flash, and Jay Garrick. However, if his super speed increases in proportion to how much yellow sun radiation he has absorbed over the years, does that mean he'll actually eventually become just as fast as them at some point in his life?