A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi, Greg. I'm from Brazil, so, sorry for any misspelling (English is still my second language and i speak, listen and read more than I write). A few questions after watching season 4 of Young Justice:
1- Tim and Steph looked very cudly on the wedding scene. Was that an indication that they're together now?
2- If Ollie is broke since season 1, how did he still used all those trick arrows? The League? Bruce? I'm considering its something expensive and that i can't just buy on a regular sporting goods shop
3- I remember Rocket talking about Orion as Darkseid's child. Since there wasn't any (at least seen) conflict between the heroes and Darkseid, do they know about him because of the conflict at the orphanage? They've been doing some digging? Reports from the GL Corps? I assume they know everything about Granny Goodness, at least, and there was that conflict in Season 1 involving Desaad, but i could be forgetting something and don't believe any Darkseid loyalist would rat on him
Those were the questions. Thank u for your time. Hoping for a season 5 and, if not, that whatever new product you develop be as awesome as spectacular spidey, gargoyles and YJ (just need to finish gargoyles on Disney Plus)