A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Mr. Weisman,
Using the link provided to you below, and looking at the "Kane Family Tree" diagram on that page, I would like you to please answer the following questions for me in regards to the Earth-16 version of the Kane Family in comparison to the version from the mainstream DC Comics universe.
#1. In the generation of the Kane family consisting of Martha and her four brothers (Nathan, Phillip, Jacob, and Bette Kane's as-of-yet unnamed father), what is the order of oldest to youngest sibling in the Earth-16 universe?
#2. What are the names of Bette Kane's parents in the Earth-16 universe; despite the fact they have not yet been named in the mainstream DC Comics universe?
#3. In your responses to previous postings regarding Bette Kane, it is only known that she has an unknown relation with both Martha Wayne and Kate Kane, and you do not seem to want to commit to anything beyond that. HOWEVER, if her place in the Kane family tree is the same as in the mainstream DC Comics universe, then that should mean that all her relationships with her other Kane family members outside of her own parents would be considered PATERNAL, correct?
#4. Even though he is not listed in the Kane family tree, is the Earth-16 version of Damian (son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul) considered to be the PATERNAL FIRST COUSIN, ONCE REMOVED of Kate Kane and Beth Kane (Kate's twin sister, and Jacob Kane's other daughter), and the PATERNAL FIRST COUSIN of Bette Kane? If not, then what are the three women's correct relationships with Damian in the Earth-16 universe?