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For the team, Alpha Squad, Beta Squad, Gamma Squad, etc is pretty self-explanatory. I know the Outsiders have animal-themed names for the squads (Raptor Squad, Gorilla Squad, Mongoose Squad), but I have some questions about the names:
1) Do these squads have rankings like the team squads do? Or are the names based on their function (âRaptorâ for the group doing espionage high in the sky, âGorillaâ for guerilla warfare/all-out attack, âMongooseâ forâ¦I donât know)
2) If my first question is correct then what does âMongooseâ mean in this context?
3) Is it correct to assume that the names are inspired by Beast Boy when he was the leader of the Outsiders?
4) Does the JL have squad names as well?
Thank you! Hoping to see more YJ in the near future!