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Mr. Weisman,
In the comics, Bette Kane and Kate Kane were revealed to be cousins after the events of the 2005-2006 comic book storyline, "Infinite Crisis." However, the Young Justice Wiki establishes that Kate and Bette have an unknown relation to each other. As such, if they are not paternal cousins (considering that they share the same last name; suggesting their respective fathers are brothers) like in the comics, then what is the exact nature of their relationship to each other?
PS. Despite your inability to commit to any information regarding Bette, I am of the personal belief that Kate and Bette are indeed paternal cousins. In the Earth-16 universe, Kate was born in 1991, and Bette was born in 1995; as such, that's only about a four-year difference between them. I'm also imagine that, as such, Bette was pretty close to Kate and most likely looked up to her and spent time with her; like in the comics.