A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Mr. Weisman,
#1. If Orphan (Cassandra Wu-San) moved into Wayne Manor in 2018, does that also mean she became Bruce Wayne's fourth legal ward? The reason I am asking this question is because I remember in the comics (prior to the massive continuity changes in the aftermath of Flashpoint) that Cassandra Cain became the adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne.
#2. Even though Orphan's vocal cords are damaged by her own mother, that does NOT necessarily mean that Orphan will NEVER be able to speak, am I correct?
#3. Does Orphan know who her father (David Cain) is? If not, what is the reason why she does not know about him?
#4. Is Orphan's nationality considered to be half-American, half-Chinese; even though she uses her mother's surname (Wu-San)?
#5. Did Orphan's mother trained her in the following martial arts listed below?
Leopard Style Kung Fu
Dragon Style Kung Fu
Dim Mak (An ancient form of martial arts where you strike vital points of the opponent's body causing paralysis, intense and prolonged pain or death.)