A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Mr. Weisman,
To clarify as to why I've been asking you certain questions (such as the full names of the Earth-16 characters, and paternal and maternal relationships of certain characters in the Earth-16 universe, for example), it is because I've been trying to make comparisons between the Earth-16 versions of characters and their mainstream DC Comics counterparts, and I try to see what they have in common. I usually look into the DC Database Wiki when I make comparisons, but most the mainstream versions of the DC Comics characters on the Wiki are between two sets of character pages; identified as New Earth and Prime Earth in parenthesis after their real names. Character pages with New Earth refer to those histories prior to the massive continuity changes which are a result of the 2011 DC Comics comic book event, "Flashpoint." Character pages with Prime Earth refer tho those histories after Flashpoint from 2011 onwards; even then, further events like DC Rebirth and Infinite Frontier have changed continuity in the mainstream DC Universe and making it similar to what it was prior to "Flashpoint."
So like I said before, the whole point of me asking those specific questions is because I was making comparisons and was trying to find what the characters from BOTH the mainstream DC Comics universe and the Earth-16 universe have in common. But it has been extremely difficult because some things end up being spoiler territory (Jason Todd and the Red-Hooded Ninja, for example) and some things you seem to absolutely refuse to commit to (Bette Kane's full name and exact nature of her relationship to the rest of the Kane family, for example). I mean, if there are certain things about the characters that are TRUE in BOTH the mainstream DC Comics universe AND the Earth-16 universe (full names, specific events/circumstances, familial relationships, etc.), why can't we have direct answers to certain questions from you if they are most likely true?