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Hola Greg, sorry if this questions are too annoying or large
1) In the war world episode I get that Dick needed to remain behind to coordinate the squads but how come Aquaman remained behind? Even if you go by the "Aquaman sucks outside water" line of thought I'm sure he would've been more useful than say, Mal.
2) I get the impression that M'gann has soft spot for young boys like Garfield, Cullen and maybe at some point Dick. Is it because they remind her of her past bond with M'comm? Could she eventually view little Johnny on a simmilar light
2.5) How would you say was M'ree's relationship with her a'ashenn younger siblings as a child?
3) As I understand the martian's super strenght comes from channeling their telekinesis inwards alongside their density control, and I get the impression that J'onn is the most physically powerful living martian. Does that mean his telekinetic abilities are equally powerful? (I think it would make sense given how M'comm's specialty seems to be shape shifting while M'gann's is telepathy)
4) Did M'comm at some point like Earth tv? It would explain his penchant for earthling snark (or are those just universal)
5) I get that they're technically equals but when Barry and Billy were transporting bad guys to prison it gave me some of the same vibes as the other sidekicks with their proteges. Considering that Billy never had a mentor of his own, does he see the other leaguers as such? Is Barry specially tight with him due to reminding him of Wally?
6) Is Conner attracted to M'gann's martian form? Because I think it would make sense given how she doesn't look that weird compared to the cadmus genomorphs that basically raised him.
7) How would you describe Klarion's relationship with Vandal? His "best friend's dad" (ergo something of an uncle), perhaps?
8) Could a martian get pregnant with another race?
9) Could you tell me which of younger heroes (say of the generation introduced since second season) are currently attending college? If so would it be a spoiler to ask about their majors?