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Hi Greg,
First off, I'd like to say Gargoyles was a big part of my childhood, and still is to this day. The mature content for a younger audience, cast of Star Trek alumni, and Shakespearean aspect truly got me interested in Shakespeare from a young age. My question is as follows.
1) I'm an avid storyteller in the midst of writing his first novel. My story has many different races from many different mythologies. I'd like to include Gargoyles in my story but I don't want to copy you. I have too much respect and appreciation for your creation and its characters. My question is it OK to have gargoyles in my story?
2) Also have them come alive? Or living period?
3) Not to ask your process, everyone's different but what would you recommend I do so not to copy you but have them be warriors, rulers, politicians, scholars, etc.? A living race of gargoyles in the middle is part of my overall story.
Let me know and look forward to hearing from you.