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Mr. Weisman,
The reason why I previously asked you if the full name of the Earth-16 version of Bruce Wayne is "Bruce Thomas Wayne" is because in the DC Rebirth continuity, Bruce's full name was revealed in "Batman" issue #20; the fifth and final issue of the "I Am Bane" story arc. In the end of that issue, Bruce's full name was addressed by his mother (Martha Wayne) when he had a vision of her. And yet, when I previously asked you about Bruce's full name being the same in the Earth-16 universe as it currently is in the comics, you yourself said, in your exact words, "Not necessarily." If you require proof, look on the link here below.
With me now presenting some form of evidence this time around, I'll ask you once again: In the Earth-16 universe, is Bruce Wayne's full name "Bruce Thomas Wayne"?