A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1. Why does the Earth-16 version of Lois Lane retain her maiden name even after she married Clark Kent?
2. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Tim Drake, his first name is actually Timothy, and "Tim" is his nickname, correct?
3. Shouldn't Jonathan and Martha Kent technically be identified as Jonny Kent's paternal adoptive grandparents; since Jor-El and Lara El are Jonny Kent's paternal biological grandparents?
4. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Beast Boy, his nickname is "Gar," correct? Also, is his father's name Mark Logan?
5. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Cyborg, his nickname is "Vic," correct? Also, is his mother's name Elinore Stone?
6. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Black Lightning, his nickname is "Jeff," correct?