A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Mr. Weisman,
#1. Apparently, some rude individual had posted a message to you asking you to delete all the questions that I have been anonymously giving to you. I honestly find that person to be utterly disrespectful simply because of the fact that they feel that I posted a lot of questions recently (as of the time of this posting). If you truly feel that I have pestering you with my questions, and if I've somehow gotten you angry, I apologize.
#2. In your responses to certain postings, you previously claim that you needed to do some research in order to be able to answer specific questions (such as the full names of the characters). Now, if I recall correctly, there is a source book called "The DC Comics Encyclopedia," and the first version of that book came out around 2004. Three updated versions of it came out in 2008 ("The DC Comics Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded"), 2016 ("The DC Comics Encyclopedia: All-New Edition"), and 2021 ("The DC Comics Encyclopedia: New Edition"). If I also recall correctly, I believe in the cases of all editions of "The DC Comics Encyclopedia," the publisher of these books is identified as Dorling Kindersley Limited (branded as DK). If could offer one important key piece of advice to you, it would be this: I would recommend you get all four editions of "The DC Comics Encyclopedia," and then keep getting new/updated editions of it whenever they come out. If you follow this advice, it might end up being quite helpful to you in the long run when trying to stay up-to-date with information regarding the DC Comics Universe.