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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you can answer some questions I have, most of them are about Krypton. Sorry if you’ve heard it before or if it’s repetitive.

1. Is Faora Hu-Ul from the House of Ul, and the crest she wears the insignia for that house?
2. Is Jax-Ur from the House of Ur, and the crest he wears the insignia for that house?
3. Is Vor-Kil from the House of Kil, and the crest he wears the insignia for that house?
4. Why doesn’t Non wear a crest, was he disowned by his house?
5. How many planets orbited Rao before it exploded? What planet was Krypton?
6. Is Rao a black hole now or a stellar cloud?
7. Did Krypton have any moons, and if so how many?
8. Was Lara El’s maiden name Lor-Van?