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When Damian Wayne was first introduced in the comics, it was eventually revealed that he was genetically perfected and grown in an artificial womb, and was intended to become formidable warrior. In the current continuity of DC Comics, Damien was conceived during a brief fling between Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul (when they were both young adults), and then after Damian was born, Talia used the extensive scientific resources of the League of Assassins to inorganically speed up Damian's aging giving him the physiology of a ten year old in less than five years.
However, in the Earth-16 universe, it APPEARS as though Damian's birth is a natural one; without any kind of genetic manipulation whatsoever. As such, was Damian's conception a direct result of Bruce and Talia truly (and briefly) getting back together, or was it a result of Talia's manipulations against Bruce in order to get herself an heir to Ra's al Ghul's legacy? Finally, is the Earth-16 version of Damian also identified by his other name, Ibn al Xu'ffasch (which means "Son of the Bat" in Arabic)?