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Mr. Weisman,
Since the Earth-16 version of Batwoman did not become a hero until 2016, I have tried to guess as to when the Earth-16 version of the events of "Catwoman: Hunted" most likely happened in the timeline and I have three possibilities in mind:
#1. It could have happened at any point during the two-year period in-between Seasons 2 and 3; aside from the January 2018 flashback from Season 4 that took place at the United Nations.
#2. It could only have happened during the one-year period in-between Seasons 3 and 4; since she temporarily resigned from the Justice League and was working as a member of Batman's team during the events of Season 3.
#3. It could have happened at almost any point off-screen during the events of Season 4; since Batwoman only appeared in the flashback that is set in early 2018, and she was also NOT present at Superboy's and Miss Martian's wedding. This also account for Child's attack all around the world; meaning the events of the film could only have happened at some point before or after the incident occurred. Additionally, Talia al Ghul had only appeared in two episodes of Artemis's story arc, and she didn't appear for the rest of Season 4.
As such, my question for you is this: Which one of these three points in the Earth-16 timeline that I presented above is correct for which the Earth-16 version of "Catwoman: Hunted" likely takes place? Please also explain as to why whichever point you choose is the one that makes the most sense to you.