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#1. Lara El's father, Lor-Van, is the maternal grandfather of Kal-El and the paternal great-uncle of Kara Zor-El.
#2. Alura El's father, In-Ze, is the maternal grandfather of Kara Zor-El and the paternal great-uncle of Kal-El.
#3. Alura El is the mother of Kara Zor-El and the paternal aunt of Kal-El.
#4. Prior to her marriage to Jor-El, Lara El's unmarried name was Lara Lor-Van. Likewise, prior to her marriage to Zor-El, Alura El's unmarried name was Alura In-Ze.
#5. Because Kal-El's father (Jor-El) and Kara Zor-El's father (Zor-El) are brothers, Kal-El and Kara are considered paternal cousins in each other's point-of view.
#6. All relationships that Kal-El and Kara Zor-El would have with other family members of the House of El outside of their respective immediate families are considered to be the paternal side of the family.
#7. Kru-El is the paternal cousin of Jor-El and Zor-El in the Earth-16 universe because Kru-El's father and Jor-El's and Zor-El's father are brothers.
#8. The name of Kru-El's father is Zim-El.