A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1) Is Black Mary able to transform back into her normal human form (assuming that she has a choice and is not being prevented from doing so by others like Granny Goodness), or is she now stuck in this form?
2) Hypothetical question now so I imagine you might not answer, but I'll try anyway. If Black Mary were to transform back into Mary Bromfield and then say "Shazam!" *after* that, would Mary have a choice (or any control whatsoever) regarding whether she would end up in her Black Mary form or her white Sergeant Marvel form? Basically I'm asking whether Mary could choose (*by herself*) to take the white costume form over the black costume form, or vice versa.
(If the answer to question 2 is yes and Mary *could* make this decision somehow inherently, I imagine that there would possibly be criteria such as her state of mind (i.e. whether she intends to do good or do evil), but I don't want to get into her state of mind as I don't want to overcomplicate the above questions.)