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Mr. Weisman,
I came across this link on the internet provided here below.
Aside from all the Kryptonians that have already been mentioned/seen on "Young Justice," I want to know first which Kryptonians from the House of El, House of Van, and House of Ze mentioned in the link above also exist in the Earth-16 universe; even though they have been mentioned/seen yet? Secondly, after you are able to confirm which members do exist in Earth-16 universe, I want to know what are each Kryptonian's relationship to Kal-El, Kara Zor-El, and Kru-El; that means in terms of paternal and maternal relationships? The reason I am asking these questions to you because I am trying to figure out the Kryptonian family tree in the Earth-16 universe; in comparison to other versions in the DC Comics multiverse.
Thank you for taking the time to answering my questions whenever you can and to the best of your ability. :)