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Mr. Weisman,
Just to be sure that I interpret the generations of the Kane family correctly in the Earth-16 universe...
#1. At least one generation consists of Martha Wayne, Jacob Kane, Nathan Kane, Philip Kane, and Bette Kane's as-of-yet-unnamed father; even though there's no way yet of knowing what is the actual order of oldest to youngest sibling in the Earth-16 universe.
#2. At least one generation consists of Bruce Wayne, Katherine "Kate" Kane, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister) and Bette Kane; with Bruce being the oldest of this generation, and Bette being the youngest of this generation. As such, the girls would be Bruce's maternal cousins (via Bruce's mother), and Bruce would be the girls' paternal cousin (via their respective fathers)
#3. Bruce Wayne is the ONLY member of his generation of the Kane family whose relationships with his uncles and aunts on this side of the family are considered maternal because his mother was a Kane before she married Thomas Wayne. For Bruce's cousins, all relationships with their uncles and aunts on this side of the family are considered paternal via their respective fathers, but nothing is currently known about their respective maternal relatives via their respective mothers (Gabrielle Kane and Bette Kane's as-of-yet-unnamed mother).
#4. Roderick Kane is the father of Martha Wayne, Jacob Kane, Nathan Kane, Philip Kane, and Bette Kane's as-of-yet unnamed father. Roderick Kane is also the maternal grandfather of Bruce Wayne, and the paternal grandfather of Katherine "Kate" Kane, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister) and Bette Kane.
#5. Elizabeth "Betsy" Kane is the mother of Martha Wayne, Jacob Kane, Nathan Kane, Philip Kane, and Bette Kane's as-of-yet unnamed father. Elizabeth "Betsy" Kane is also the maternal grandmother of Bruce Wayne, and the paternal grandmother of Katherine "Kate" Kane, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister) and Bette Kane.
#6. Nathan Kane's wife was Katherine Webb Kane (with her nickname being "Kathy," and Webb being her maiden name) in the comics. If this is also true in the Earth-16 universe, this means she is the maternal aunt of Bruce Wayne, and the paternal aunt of Katherine "Kate" Kane, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister) and Bette Kane.
#7. Catherine Hamilton Kane (with Hamilton being her maiden name) is Jacob Kane's second wife in the comics. If this is also true in the Earth-16 universe, this means she is the "maternal aunt by marriage" of Bruce Wayne, the step-mother of Katherine "Kate" Kane and Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister), and the "paternal aunt by marriage" of Bette Kane. As such, Bruce Wayne and Bette Kane would be considered Catherine's "nephew by marriage" and "niece by marriage," respectively, from her point-of view.
If any of my interpretations on the Kane Family are incorrect, please kindly explain to me as to where I got the facts wrong.
Thank you.