A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi Greg, how are you? i wanted to ask some questions here
1. In your Spider-Man show would you consider Peter a handsome guy as Romita Peter or just a kinda cute guy like ditko's?i ask this because i find curious that pete attracts a lot of young females in your show(like in the comics too) and although he has a lot of qualities besides his physical appearance, i was wondering how much of his outer appearance is noticeable to the likes of Liz or Gwen. i.e if he is a handsome guy.
2. Do you think Spidey being short and skinny its the better way to go with a spider-man built?(like in your show) or do you prefer him being taller or maybe buff like the Romita era.
3. What is your favorite live action version of Spider-Man from the movies?