A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Mr. Weisman,
1. In the Earth-16 universe, are the following relationships below correct in regards to the family of Soranik Natu?
Thaal Sinestro (biological father)
Arin Sur (biological mother)
Abin Sur (biological maternal uncle)
Amon Sur (biological maternal cousin)
Dgibb Natu (adoptive father)
Karoll Natu (adoptive mother)
2. Is Soranik Natu's birth name Soranik Sinestro?
3. As of the time of her first appearance, how old is Soranik Natu?
4. Since Soranik's father is from Korugar, and her mother is from Ungar, this makes Soranik a Korugaran/Ungaran hybrid, correct?
5. When exactly did Soranik Natu join the Green Lantern Corps?
6. At the point of time of her appearance during the credits scene of "Rescue and Search," does Soranik know who her biological parents are; even though she is adopted? is she also aware who her maternal biological uncle and cousin are?