A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Mr. Weisman,
#1. What is the gargoyle tradition in regards with dealing with the death of one of their own; in comparison to various human traditions?
#2. Is the gargoyle version of "death by natural causes" like a permanent form of stone sleep; in which very old gargoyles who have reached the natural end of their lives one day turn to stone when the sun rises, but don't wake up when the sun sets? If not, then what actually happens?
#3. Do gargoyles establish parent-child and other familial relationships among generations of their own kind in the modern era; all the way up to the year 2198?
#4. Did Brooklyn became the permanent leader of the Manhattan Clan AFTER Goliath's death (which happens at some point between 2004 and 2198)? If so, how long did Brooklyn held this position before it eventually was passed on to his own successor?
#5. Between 2004 and 2198, was there ever a civil war amongst the gargoyle clans; between those who sided with the humans and those who hated the humans?
#6. Between 2004 and 2198, did Elisa Maza died of natural causes, or did she died in the line of duty, or did she died of a broken heart (assuming Goliath's death was the cause of it)?