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Hi Greg, a couple of questions on the batplane(s) if I may.
We see Batman use two models of aircraft in Young Justice, seemingly both at the same time. One, first seen in Revelation, is like a fighter and was explicitly called the Batplane in Coldhearted. The second appears first in Failsafe in space, and then reapppears in Exceptional Human Beings. It is never explicitly named on screen.
1) Is the second model also called the batplane, or does it have another name e.g. batwing?
2) Is the second model accurately depicted in the simiulation in Failsafe> i.e. can it really go into near space, deploy camera units, etc?
3) In the Batcave in Triptych we see what appears to be another aircraft hanging up wiht folded wings. Is this another batplane design? A replacement for the first design which we never see after season two? A drone? Something else?
4) Revelation shows the first batplane is equipped with guns. Exceptional Human Beings shows the second has lasers. In general, how do you feel about the way Batman's "no guns" rule rarely seems to apply to his vehicles? It's always bothered me personally.
5) Does Batman have a rationale for arming his vehicles with weapons he wouldn't use directly himself?
Thanks as ever!