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A couple of Targets based questions:
1) How did Lex Luthor find out about the kryptonite and Perdita's plan to bring it to the US?
2) How was Count Vertigo free to take part in the events of Revelation less than 48 hours after getting caught at the end of Intimate Connection? Did Arrow and Canary just... let him go afterwards?
3) How did Vertigo have diplomatic immunity in Coldhearted after getting caught trying to murder Queen Perdita?
Honestly that never made sense to me in the first place, given that the Injustice League blackmailed the whole UN, which would include Vlatava. Plus, that Vlatava doesn't seem like such a powerful country that it can stand up to basically the whole rest of the world and say "we know our guy caused billions of dollars of damage and significant loss of life in multiple very powerful countries, but we're not letting you arrest him" and not face crippling diplomatic and economic consequences, or that those countries would just arrest him anyway, whatever Vlatava thinks. But I guess its just the TV version of diplomatic immunity which means a person can just do anything and face no consequences. Bleh. Anyway, sorry for the rant, it's just a trope that bugs me.