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I have some questions regarding Oracle. Some parts of this may have been addressed in other questions in the queue, but not all of it and it seemed easier to ask this all together, sorry for any repitition.
Throughout season three we see Dick keeping the fact he is working with Oracle a secret from evryone outside the Anti-Light. At first I assumed this meant Oracle herself was a secret and no-one knew about her, but when the Anti-Light is uncovered at the end of the season it seems clear that everyone knows who she is and what she does.
1) So why does he keep it secret? Is it just because she is officially a member of a team Nightwing is not officially part of and who he shouldn't be communicating with? I'm sure most people would expect them to work together anyway, kind of like Superboy and Miss Martian did.
2) What team(s), if any, has Oracle been a member of? Or is she considered more support now than an official member, like Mal pre-Guardian?
3) Did she leave any team(s) due to the walkout in Princes All? Did she rejoin them in Nevermore?
4) Does Oracle do her own solo heroic hacking work, like in the comics, or does she just provide support for others/act as part of a team?