A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi Greg. I have been a huge fan of YJ since it aired all those years ago. I hear other shows you have worked on have a similar level of longevity and notoriety amoungst watchers. My questions are as follows:
1. What do you think is the reason projects you work on strike such emotional chords and fans attach themselves to the work so passionately?
2. In regards to YJ, is there a certain character's evolution from S1-S4 (and other works) that has a special place in your heart? (My personal favorite is anything Artemis) If so, why?
3. Have you ever regretted the inclusion of a certain character, story decision, etc in YJ but had to keep it around?
4. From a fan perspective, it is clear that the bureaucratic reasons have continuously stifled the show from using certain characters, storylines, being renewed, etc. What was this experience like behind the scenes? Did you often find yourself battling for certain decisions/being told no on ideas or did you have ample creative freedom?