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Mr. Weisman,
I have three questions I would like to ask you:
#1. At the time of this posting, DC Comics had recently introduced the Phaelosians; an evolutionary offshoot of Kryptonians descended from a fringe science colony who were exiled from Krypton thousands of years ago. Information about this race can be seen in the link provided below:
My question is this: If Young Justice gets renewed for another season, what are the chances that the Earth-16 version of the Phaelosians will appear?
#2. This next question is just for fun. If there were ever an evolutionary offshoot of Kryptonians in the DC Universe that was an analogue/pastiche of the Strontians from the Marvel Comics Universe; at the very least having the exact same powers and weaknesses as the Strontians, what would you name these people if they ever somehow existed in the DC Universe and what would you name their homeworld? Here's a link provided below in case you don't know who the Strontians are:
#3. This is a follow-up from question #2; also just for fun. If an analogue/pastiche of Marvel Comics Universe character, Gladiator (real name Kallark), somehow existed in the DC Universe, what would be a good superhero name and Kryptonian name that you would give him? This question assumes that you already know that Gladiator is a pastiche of Superboy (since some of the members of Marvel Comics' Imperial Guard are pastiches of members of the Legion of Super-Heroes), and that you know that this question is asking about who would be the analogue/pastiche of an already-existing analogue/pastiche comic book character.