A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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#1. If an evolutionary offshoot race of the Thanagarians somehow existed in the DC Universe, and if they were an analogue/pastiche of the Shi'ar from Marvel Comics, what would be a good name for such an offshoot race? Also, would this offshoot race likely use the same naming convention as the Thanagarians, or would it be different?
#2. If an evolutionary offshoot race of the Kryptonians somehow existed in the DC Universe, and if they were an analogue/pastiche of the Strontians from Marvel Comics, what would be a good name for such an offshoot race? Also, if this offshoot race were to use a Kryptonian naming convention, would it be based on the traditional Kryptonian naming convention, the ones used by the Phaelosians (who only use the "personal name"-"family name" Kryptonian naming convention for BOTH males and females), or something original?