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In the Earth-16 universe...
#1. Because Saturn Girl was identified as a human during a mental confrontation with M'comm M'orzz in the Young Justice Season 4 finale, this implies her ancestry can be traced back to the first humans who eventually colonized one of Saturn's moons; this presumably being Titan.
#2. The Durlans of the 31st century can trace their ancestry back to M'comm M'orzz and his White Martian followers; who have settled Durla in the 21st century.
#3. Cosmic Boy (Rokk Krinn), Lightning Lad (Garth Ranzz), and Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen) are the founding members of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century.
#4. As Lara El was born as Lara Lor-Van, this means she was a member of the House of Van before her marriage to Jor-El.
#5. Alura El (mother of Kara Zor-El) was born as Alura In-Ze, and was, therefore, a member of the House of Ze before her marriage to Zor-El.
#6. The names of the paternal grandparents of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El are Seg-El and Nyssa El (formerly Nyssa-Vex).
#7. Dru-Zod's appearance differs from his counterpart in the comics because it is a nod to his appearance in the canceled Syfy TV series, Krypton, and, as such, it can be assumed that his familial relationship with the members of the House of El and the House of Zod are most likely the same as depicted in that canceled TV series.
#8. Barry Allen's mother (Nora Allen) does NOT die like in the comics, and, as such, she is still alive in the present day, and the circumstances that causes Barry's father (Henry Allen) to be framed for Nora's murder and wrongfully sent to prison also NEVER happens.
#9. The Joker was directly involved in the death of Jason Todd one way or another; regardless if the events/circumstances are different in comparison to what is depicted in the mainstream DC Universe.
#10. Jason Todd and the Red-Hooded Ninja are truly one and the same person; with the cause of Jason's return most likely being the the result of the Lazarus Pit, and his initial inability to recognize his former teammates (as depicted in Young Justice Season 3) most likely being the result of post-traumatic amnesia due to the injuries (presumably) inflicted on him by the Joker.