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Mr. Weisman,
My Previous Question: I was shocked that Barbara's paralysis was due to Cassandra Wu-San's actions in the YJ universe. Was this change made because you felt it creates a much more emotional impact than just having Joker shooting Barbara like in "The Killing Joke"?
Your Response: We felt that THE KILLING JOKE had been done in animation recently, so if people wanted to see that, they can buy the BluRay (or stream it or whatever). That's not me being dismissive. I'm simply stating that a more faithful rendering of the original story exists. We wanted to do a version that still put the blame squarely on the Joker, but which gave Barbara more agency - and gave Cassandra Wu-San more agency, as well. They both have decisions to make, choices about who they want to be. I don't know if this version has more emotional impact or not. Your mileage may vary, as they say. But I feel good about our choices for the characters of Earth-16.
My Next Question: So does that mean in the Earth-16 universe, a version of A DEATH IN THE FAMILY happened that still put the blame squarely on the Joker, but which gave Jason more agency as well; even though the consequences that resulted from Jason's actions likely still remained more or less the same as in comics canon?