A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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True OR False?
1. Jason Todd became a member of the Team because Batman eventually realized that Jason's crime-fighting tactics were particularly brutal, and Batman had hoped that Jason working with the Team would help him reduce his use of violent tactics.
2. Up until the Earth-16 version of the events of "Green Lantern: The Animated Series," Carol Ferris was completely unaware that Hal Jordan was Green Lantern.
3. After the events of Earth-16 version of "Green Lantern: The Animated Series," Carol Ferris is currently in possession of a Star Sapphire power ring and is currently the only human member of the Star Sapphires.
4. The Earth-16 version of the "Green Lantern: The Animated Series" character Aya (or at least, a copy of her program with no memory of her origins) is currently in the "Justice League Action" universe; as seen in episode 48 of that show).
6. Granny Goodness has been secretly keeping an eye on Mary Bromfield ever since Mary stopped becoming Sergeant Marvel in 2015; hence why she manipulated Mary into succumbing to her lust for power in the Season 4 mid-season post-credits scene.
7. Due to Mary Bromfield succumbing to her lust for power (as a result of her fallout with her mentor, Zatanna, and the secret manipulations of Granny Goodness), everyone on Earth likely assumes that she has been missing since May 15, 2020; when in truth, she has been training on Apokolips to become a member of the Furies during the five-month interval.
8. Darkseid's Omega Beams cannot kill Vandal Savage.
9. Jason Todd likely had feelings for Barbara Gordon, but he was never able to fully explore those feelings due to his tragic death at the hands of the Joker.
10. Kara Zor-El joining the Furies is NOT truly of her own free will, but as a result of suffering from Zone-Sickness from being trapped in the Phantom Zone for 42 years; as such, it can be assumed that her original personality is that of a kind-hearted individual who loves her family dearly.