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I think you may have answered this question on the dumpster fire known as Twitter/X (#668), which I have yet to find full text of, if there is any. If so, apologies. Here is my question, following a little set up:
In series 3, Nightwing uses beetle-like mini drones that are, by turns, acting autonomously and also under the control of Oracle at need. Since beetles aren't really in the Bat or Nightwing idiom, and we see Oracle using tiny drones in series 4 that are more bat-like, AND since my old man brain seems to dimly recall a story line in Birds of Prey (comic) where Ted Kord worked with Oracle and shared technology, my question is, are those Nightwing beetle drones a development of Ted Kord that were accepted for use by the Bat family, at least until they developed more bat-like mini-drones of their own?
Anyway, thanks for doing your part to give the Charlton characters like Ted and Captain Atom some attention (as much as you can in this vast ensemble called Young Justice), and thanks for any response!
Also, if I somehow missed the answer to this in my three hours of fishing through the archives, can someone direct me to the answer? Like I said, I think it might have been answered in the #668, but all I see on Twitter/X is just the title "Bat- Beetle Mini- Drone"