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Hi Greg,
Sorry if this is too hypothetical, but you have said before that "a version of Team Atlantis exists in the Gargoyles Universe". If Dynamite Comics asked you to write (or oversee as an editor of some sort) an ongoing Atlantis comic book series with Milo and Kida set in the canon Gargoyles Universe, is that something you would ever be interested in?
In the past, you have pointed out contradictions between the Atlantis Universe and the Gargoyles Universe, but they all seem to come from unproduced and unreleased episodes of the spin-off series. If you yourself were given the opportunity by Dynamite and Disney to write/shape the direction of the franchise, unencumbered by the Team Atlantis material, would you be more willing to do a full canon import of the theatrical Atlantis film into Gargoyles continuity?