A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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It is truly is an honor to be writing to you Mr. Weisman I really admire your work on the animation you do for shows such as the spectacular Spider-Man and young justice tv series . Yah you did a marvelous job on both them hope you keep up the good work .
1.) In spider verse where it shows Captain Stacy would die I kinda was stump on that one perhaps if the series does come back we can keep all the characters alive no one can die ?
2.) will Peter friends and their families discover his secret ?
3.) will Eddie Brock harry Osborn flash reconcile with Peter .
4.) Will their be new characters such as Clash Silk Anya Miles morales Martian lee beetle hydro man madam web bystander carnage
5.) will sable formed the wild pack ?
6.) will doctor Connorâs get his lab back from Miles Warren with Gwen Stacy getting evidence
7.) does Peter have a sibling called Teresa Parker
8.) will Norman return for revenge and become the Goblin King for the Goblin nation with all Spider-Manâs enemies as his commanders .
9.) will Mj be with Peter as his girl friend ?
10.) if we have a movie with spectacular Spider-Man and Marvels Spider-Man how will play out ?