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Bob Ellis writes...

Greg: delete my comment and contact info and everything I posted from www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=29476 so I am not impersonated and so my privacy is not invaded copy and paste it to save it for yourself. And delete this comment as well after.

Bob Ellis
The World Owner all sole

Do not steal, nor lie, nor impersonate me, nor invade my privacy, do not enter my email inbox nor phone or I will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law and have and won and against law enforcement. I publicized for the ability like others. No possibility for house arrest whatsoever nor ever for any who invade my privacy. Serious, and that serious for all agents as well and all, you will have at least 8 months or more in real maximum security prison if you invade or impersonate whatsoever.