A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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#1. In the new timeline, the Daxamite race are descended from the children of Superboy and Miss Martian in the Earth-16 universe; with Mon-El presumably being an 31st-century descendant even though he has not made an appearance yet. Furthermore, presumably due to human/Kryptonian/Martian hybrid genetics passed down throughout the generations, the Daxamites' weakness changes from Kryptonite to lead.
#2. M'comm M'orzz is the direct ancestor of Chameleon Boy in the Earth-16 universe due to M'comm and his rebellious White Martian group being relocated to present-day Durla.
#3. In the Earth-16 universe, the date of May 14, 2030 marks the formation of the present-day incarnation of the United Planets (presumably, in part, due to Superboy's actions on this fateful day) and therefore will be acknowledged as "Unity Day."
#4. Assuming Young Justice ever gets a fifth season, it is possible that Kara Zor-El and Black Mary will become major characters; with Kara gradually doubting the dark path she is following and becoming a hero as a result of multiple encounters with members of her family, and Black Mary staying down her dark path right to the very end due to feeling betrayed by Zatanna and perhaps wanting to kill her former mentor in revenge.