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The Phoenix Gate

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Anonymous writes...

1) Did Wally ever truly have the potential to phase? You’ve said before that Wally’s speed is about acceleration we’re as Barry has more control over his actual speed, is this why Barry was able to phase and Wally wasn’t it was it due to a lack of experience?

2) It’s heavily implied that Impulse’s speed is like Barry’s (he can phase, experience time slown down, disarm enemies quickly, organise rocks in a pattern within 2 seconds to resemble himself, and play ping pong against himself). Do you think Jay Garrick’s speed is the same as Barry and Impulse’s or do you think it is more akin to Wally’s speed or something else entirely?

3) Is Wally faster than Jay?

4) Icon was somewhat compared to Superman (as it was asked if superman thought he was kryptonian), does this mean he is of a similar speed to superman while flying?

5) Do you think if Jay, Superman, Captain Marvel, Lieutenant Marvel, and Sergeant Marvel where all contributing kinetic energy in “endgame” Wally would have survived, or do you think more would have died?