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Mr. Weisman,
At the risk of potentially causing you to get pissed off at me, Iâm going to predict what I think will happen in Season 5 of âYoung Justiceâ should it somehow gets renewed. Keep in mind that my predictions are not listed in any particular order.
#1. Supergirl and Black Mary will be the main focus of Season 5.
#2. The Justice League will face another situation in which the public loses faith in them; this will be in art due to Supergirl and Black Mary.
#3. Supergirl will initially be loyal to the cause of Apokolips, but her loyalty will gradually waver over the course of the first half of the season due to her encounters with Superman, Superboy, and Jonny Kent. Supergirlâs encounter with Superboy would be similar to what happened in the comics; to the point of temporarily dislocating his jaw after punching him.
#4. As Mary Bromfield was considered to becoming a member of the Justice League Reserves, she will become an infiltrator until she eventually betrays them publicly.
#5. After Black Maryâs public betrayal, Khalid will privately confront Zatanna about her indirect role in Maryâs turn to villainy.
#6. In the Season 5 midseason finale, Black Mary will attempt to personally kill Zatanna and ends up killing Doctor Fate instead when he takes the fatal blow for Zatanna. Zatanna will initially believe it is one of her apprentices; until the mask falls off and it is revealed to be her father, Giovanni. Shocked yet satisfied with the outcome, Black Mary whispers something in her ear and leaves; causing Zatanna to suffer an emotional breakdown and causing her to go into a catatonic state for most of the second half of Season 5.
#7. In the second half of Season 5, Superboy reveals to his teammates and some members of the Jsutice League that he heard what Black Mary told Zatanna to cause the latter to have a breakdown and go into a catatonic state. Black Maryâs words to Zatanna is that once again Zatanna lost her father, and this time itâs for good, and Zatanna ha no one to blame but herself.
#8. Khalid is confronted by the Team, Shazam and some of the members of Justice League who personally knew Giovanni; causing him to reveal Zatannaâs indirect role in Mary becoming a villain.
#9. In the Season 5 midseason finale, Supergirl ends up crashing at the school where Jonny Kent is attending. Upon seeing Jonny, Kara recalls a memory that was suppressed due to her trauma from her time in the Phantom Zone; this memory would be her being introduced to her baby cousin Kal-El for the first time. Therefore, she assumes Jonny is Kal-El due to the fact she does not believe Superman is Kal-El. When one of Black Maryâs attacks causing a large gas truck to fall over and causes it to burn and leak gasoline. numerous children and parents flee for their lives because the turck is about to explode. When Jonny is knocked down and cries and Lois is apparently unable to reach him in time, Kara hears Jonnyâs cry (as it mixes with her memory of baby Kal-Elâs cry and how she tried to console him), and reaches Jonny at blindly fast speed to shield him from the explosion. Enraged that Jonny was almost hurt, Kara lashes out Black Mary and fights her; only to end up being stabbed with Kryptonite dagger in her gut by Black Mary. Black Mary then deems Kara a traitor due to the latterâs actions.
#10. Supergirl recovers in what appears to be a cross between a hospital room and a jail cell; due to the fact that there is mixed opinions about her due to her actions during the first half of Season 5. Likewise, Supergirl admits to having doubts and doesnât know what to bleive anymore.
#11. Despite their previous misunderstanding, Supergirl will share a familial bond with Superboy; due to the fact that they are both close in age physiologically. She would learn about Earth culture from him as well.
#12. Black Mary will prove to be apparently irredeemable by the end of Seaosn 5; as such, two possible scenarios regarding her possible fate will happen to her:
Scenario A: As an indirect nod to the film, âMan of Steel,â Black Mary will attempt to kill a group of innocent people in order to validate her rage towards everyone hwo apparently betrayed her. Supergirl, who would have Black Mary in a chokehold would beg Black Mary to stop before being forced to snap Maryâs neck; leaving Kara emotionally distraught over what she was forced to do..
Scenario B: Black Mary is captured and sent to Sanctuary while wearing a power-dampening collar around her neck. As a sign that she has mentally slipped towards insanity and her willingness to accept that she was not shunned by those around her, Mary would be shown having dark bags under her eyes; which would be shown as her being consumed by hatred and her belief that everyone has put her down.