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Evan King writes...

This is in regards to the future of Young Justice:

It my favorite DC property of all time and I was watching the recent animated film Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3 when I noticed that Young Justice’s reality (Earth 16) was not only shown in a cameo but it was erased along with the other realities adjacent to it (The DCAU, the 2003 Teen Titans Universe, and the Super Friends). And by the end all other realities are erased, no more DC multiverse and (like the original source material) the realities are merged into a what I’m assuming is James Gunn’s new DCU. Which is confusing because there are these other shows coming out that are not apart of his DCU slate (Harley Quinn and Caped Crusader).

So my question is, was that the Real Earth 16 and is that confirming to us fans that we will no longer be getting anymore Young Justice content?

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