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TRUE OR FALSE: Earth-16 Amanda Waller and her family
#1. Amanda Waller's maiden name is Blake; she grew up in the crime-ridden Cabrini-Green area of Chicago.
#2. Amanda Waller's husband is Joseph Waller; at the time they got married, Amanda was 18 and Joseph was 20.
#3. Amanda Waller has five children in the following order from oldest to youngest: Joseph Waller, Jr. (son), Damita Waller (daughter), the twins Martin Waller and Jessie Waller (sons), and Coretta Waller (daughter).
#4. The lives of the Waller family were a financial struggle, and they relied on social programs, but they were happy together as a family.
#5. Joseph Waller, Jr. was killed by gangsters during a mugging that had gone wrong; at the time of his death, he was set to go to college on a basketball scholarship.
#6. Damita Waller was murdered in an alleyway on her way home from church; the man who killed her was a drug dealer known as "Candyman."
#7. Because "Candyman" could not be convicted by the police due to lack of witnesses, Joseph Waller decided to take matters into his own hands in order to avenge Damita's death; resulting in him and and "Candyman" shooting and killing each other simultaneously during a public confrontation. As a result of Joseph's act of vigilantism, and due to the fact was killed in the commission of a crime, the Waller family was denied the payout of his life insurance.
#8. Faced with the consequences of taking the law into one's own hands, and embittered by the adulation received by masked heroes (such as Batman, for example) for the sort of vigilantism that had cost her and her family so much, Amanda developed an intense hatred of vigilantes.